Acupuncture has many uses including:
We see illness as either depletion or congestion. Depletion's are weakness, fatigue, frequent illness, poor digestion or inadequate circulation. Congestion's are aches, pain, tension, tenderness, irritability, or swelling. Western medicine has little for nagging or chronic complaints; acupuncture often helps. The two approaches can be successfully integrated.
Japanese Style Acupuncture is gentle, effective & without herbs. After WWII, Japan trained blind men in acupuncture and women in shiatsu massage. A sighted herbalist was located in a separate office. (In Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncturists are trained in the three areas.) We use gentle body therapies which include non-needle options. Needles are "hair thin & solid" and by law, pre-sterilized, single use. Our non-needle options include acupressure, gwa sha, tuina, shiatsu massage, heat, moxa, tapping, NET, & therapeutic movement. We do not offer injection therapy.
How does acupuncture work? By using the body's energy (Qi) to interact with the two polar principles (Yin/Yang) we achieve better health. In the Yin/Yang system, six areas are needed to arrive at a diagnosis and treatment strategy. They are: 1) "Constituents" Qi, Blood, Moisture, Spirit, Essence. 2) "Organ Networks" Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys. 3) "Body Climates" Wind, Damp, Dryness, Heat, Cold. 4) "Yin/Yang balance." 5) observation & evaluation of "27 tongue presentations & 18 wrist pulse positions." 6) Your narrative, your unique "pattern of disharmony." We treat you. using points along 14 Meridians (6 Yin/Yang pairs w/2 center-line pathways).
Movement: Ann has taught yoga since 1991. She often incorporates gentle restorative stretches into your treatment.
Brain & Body Health: Ann is ReCODE 2.0 certified. It's a program developed by Dale Bredesen MD; author of "The First Survivor's of Alzheimer's" (2021) & "The End of Alzheimer's" (2017). The program emphasizes diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, and more to reverse cognitive and metabolic decline. These changes show up in standard blood work. Many of these tests are covered under medicare. It is true integrative, personalized medicine.
Masks. Due to auto-immune challenges outside of COVID, masking with a signed consent continues to be required.
Time: Plan to be in the office about an hour. Many conditions show immediate improvement, but may need a series of sessions to address the underlying cause. We discuss this during your first visit. We help many people. You are never obligated to continue with sessions. (A few established patients may be offered half hour sessions for "addictions" under the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol.
Would acupuncture conflict with my medications? No, acupuncture is often a part of an overall integrated approach to healing. Please continue your western medications. However, if your goal is to reduce medications, we will work with you & your prescribing physician to achieve your goal(s).
Costs /Coverage: We charge $100/hr, cash or credit card, payable at time of service.
Insurance: You must verify if coverage includes acupuncture. Many health savings accounts (HSA) cover your visit at 100%, but Square does not process most HSA credit cards. Medicare partially reimburses for low back pain, only. We provide you with a superbill receipt to you file with your insurer for reimbursement.
Buyer Beware: Licensed acupuncturist's have trained for over 2,000 hrs, then passed a national exam, which takes 3-days. MDs + Chiro's may claim "certification" after a weekend workshop. Please choose a licensed, accredited program graduate.
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